
These properties define various elements of page behavior.

Path: ProjectView> double-click Project properties> Properties pane

Property Description
Display Mode Defines HMI device orientation.
Project Type

Defines HMI device type for the project. According to the model, some project features and properties are automatically adjusted.

WARNING: Starting from v2, the JMobile HMI Runtime will check if the selected project type is matching with the HMI device model and will advise with a message when the selected type is not matching: “HMI Type mismatch. Convert project and download again.”

Panel Memory Size of the available internal panel memory.


You can synchronize pages shown on the JMobile HMI Runtime and HMI Client from a controller such as a PLC.

Attached tag must contain an integer value within the range of the available project pages and must be available at least as a Read resource.

See the "Web" for the Web Browser support

Hold Time
Autorepeat Time

Defines the values for hold time and auto repeat time for buttons and external keyboards.

Note: These properties can be redefined for each button or key in their widget property table.

Hide Project Loading at boot

When hidden, the splash screen stay on the screen until the application is ready to run.

Target Zoom Factor

It is the zoom factor of the HMI device that will be applied when project is loaded at runtime.

Range 0.2 - 3.0
Fit to screen

-1 = Fit to screen size

Fit to screen maintains the aspect ratio. It find the scaling factor, i.e. scale for width and height, then take the smallest.

Default value 1 = no zoom
Background color option

When the defined page is smaller of the entire display area, colorize the area that is not covered from the page (for example when page is Zoom Out)


Old mode, color is white (default)

Selected color

Color to use

Page background

Auto adjust color based on background of template or of page


Algorithm to use to signing

  • sha256
  • sha1
Gesture Passthru Enabled Enable the possibility to pass gesture events to underlying widgets after a configurable delay. User has to keep pressed the finger and then execute the gesture.
Gesture Passthru Delay (ms) When enabled, the gesture events are passed to underlying widgets after this delay (see "Gesture events pass thru" for details)
Gesture Multitouch

Enable multi touch gestures

  • false
  • true (default)

This property give the possibility to disable the multi touch gestures. This could be useful to avoid problems with old projects that were not designed to manage the multi touch gestures.

On Access Denied

When user try to use a widget that is locked from the security configuration to read-only (e.g. a field or a button), a padlock icon is shown for a couple of seconds to highlight that the widget is not accessible.

  • None
  • Show Icon
ComboBox View Mode

Select the visualization mode of all the Combo Box widgets of the project (see "Combo Box widget “full screen” mode with images" for details)

  • Context
    Classic view with drop-down menus
  • Full screen
    Enhanced view with configurable texts and images that will pop up in the middle of the screen for easy scroll and selection.
Encrypted Project Encrypt or decrypt the project to protect intellectual property and not be readable or editable by unauthorized users (see "Project Files Encryption" for details)
Sign Project If true, the project will be signed before being downloaded to the HMI device.

Select, from the list of certificates you have installed on your PC, the certificate to use to sign the project. Be sure to install the same certificate (the public key) on the HMI device (see "Project Signature" for details).

This parameter is available only when "Sign Project" = true

Show Messages

Avoid popup errors or warning messages. Messages will be logged to /var/log/popup_messages.log (max size of the log file is 256Kb)

Enable CSRF Token

Enable CSRF Token for web security

  • When CSRF Token is disabled, we can pass cgi multiple commands from same browser session.
  • When CSRF Token is enabled, then we can not pass multiple cgi requests even on same browser session.

For security reasons, this flag should always be set to true. For backward compatibility, projects developed with versions prior to 4.05 will be converted with this flag set to false.

PageRequest, CurrentPage and SyncOptions

It is possible to have JMobile HMI Runtime exchange devices information on the page shown by the HMI. You can synchronize pages shown on the HMI device and on HMI Client or to control an HMI project from a controller such as a PLC.

The following properties can be customized:

Property Description


Page to be shown on the HMI device and on HMI Client.
Attached tag must contain an integer value within the range of the available project pages and must be available at least as a Read resource.


Page number displayed on the HMI device or on HMI Client or on both.
Attached tag must be available at least as a Write resource and must have integer data type.


Synchronization of project pages with the value contained into the CurrentPage property.

Options can be:

  • disable: page number value is ignored,
  • local: page number displayed on HMI,
  • remote : page number displayed on HMI Client.
  • local + remote: page number displayed on HMI and on HMI Client, if different pages are displayed the last page loaded is considered.

Example: forced page change from controller/PLC to HMI device and HMI Client

Set properties as follows:


attached to tag "A"





Set value of tag "A" to display the requested page on HMI device and HMI Client.

Example: forced page change from controller/PLC to HMI and HMI Client. Read current page loaded on HMI

Set properties as follows:


attached to tag "A"


attached to a tag "B" as read/write



Set value of tag "A" to display the requested page on HMI device and HMI Client. Tag "B" will contain the number of page currently shown by the device.

Example: forced page change from controller/PLC to HMI device and HMI Client. Read current page loaded on HMI Client.

Set properties as follows:


attached to tag "A"


attached to a tag "B" as read/write



Set value of tag "A" to display the requested page on HMI and HMI Client. Tag "B" will contain the number of page currently shown by HMI Client.

Example: forced page change from controller/PLC to HMI device and HMI Client. Force HMI Client page synchronization with HMI device (not vice versa).

Set properties as follows:


attached to a tag "A" as Read/Write


attached to the same tag "A" as per PageRequest



Set value of tag "A" to display the requested page on HMI and HMI Client. Change page on HMI to display the same page on HMI Client.

Example: forced page change from controller/PLC to HMI device and HMI Client. Force HMI page synchronization with HMI Client (not vice-versa).

Set properties as follows:


attached to a tag "A" as read/write


attached to the same tag "A" as per PageRequest



Change value of tag "A" to display the requested page on HMI and HMI Client. Change page on HMI Client to display the same page on HMI.

Example: synchronize displayed page between HMI device and on HMI Client

Set properties as follows:


attached to a tag "A" as read/write


attached to the same tag "A" as per PageRequest



Changing page on HMI device, same page will be shown on HMI Client and vice-versa.